Remembrance Prayers and Altar Candles

Please Remember in Prayer Our Beloved Dead

March 17 – March 23

Albert Williams and those who mourn for him.

March 24 – March 30

Marilyn Gilman and those who mourn for her.

March 31 – April 6

Anne “Nancy” Murphy, Marilyn Gilman, Kathy DiBella, Louise Miller and those who mourn for them.

April 21 – April 28

Paulette Grzankowski, Patricia Naylon, and Robert Bonanno, and those who mourn for them.

Altar Candles will burn this week for the following special intentions.

April 7 – April 13

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in Loving Memory of Kevin Lanigan, req. by family.

Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of James Belmont, req. by mom, dad and family.

St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will burn in Thanksgiving for Father George.

April 14 – April 20

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in Loving Memory of Adrienne Overfield, req. by family.

Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of Catherine Krowl, req. by Robert Krowl & family.

St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of Judy McKechney, req. by Pam & Denny.

April 21 – April 28

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in Loving Memory of Roger Huck, req. by Peg and Ray Wilcox.

Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of Fred and Jim Mason, req. by family.

St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will burn for the Special Intentions of the Schoene Family.

April 29 – May 4

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in Loving Memory of Phillip C. Stever, req. by Mom and Dad.

Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of Judy McKechney, req. by Joanne and Ron Mix.

St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will burn in Loving Memory of Phillip C. Stever, req. by Barb and Lynn, John, Douglas and Bradley.

If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for special intentions, please call the parish office.


A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They will burn for about 4-5 hours.