Are You a Good Shepherd?

The Gospel this Sunday has that iconic image of the Good Shepherd. Kind of piggy backing on this, the US bishops have called this World Day of Prayer for Vocations.

Get it? The shepherd calls the sheep. The sheep hear his voice and they follow. Jesus calls us (vocare), we hear (or feel) his voice, and we follow in his path (vocation).

What can get in the way of this image (shepherd and sheep) is our discomfort with being likened to sheep. Rather than seeing the privilege of belonging to this especially loved and protected group, we might chafe at the thought of being likened to a dumb animal.

Personally, I find comfort in the thought that Jesus knows me and counts me among his flock. But there is more happening here. The image works both ways: yes, we are the sheep of his flock but, we are also called to be Good Shepherds ourselves.

And, what does that look like? “A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” Jn. 10:11. Unlike someone for hire, (rent-a-shepherd) the good shepherd faces down the wolf.

He or she stays to protect the flock (their child, their students, friends, etc.) threatened by violence, injustice, ignorance, lies, false rumors, etc., the good shepherd stands as a pillar of safety and goodness.

So, how are you doing? Are you laying your life down for your little flock?

Holy Trinity Seniors

Any thoughts regarding possible activities for seniors here at H.T.? Your Parish Council would like your ideas.

Stop by the Gathering Space after Mass next week and share your ideas/interest in activities that may appeal to our seniors; or call or email Cathy Imes at 315-524-7351 or
