A Word About Hope.

St. Paul writes in the Letter to the Romans that the love of God poured forth on us by Christ brings a Hope that “Does not disappoint.” God’s promises made to humankind will not fail. It’s a sure thing.

Paul contrasts this one hope with all the other things that have disappointed us in life. He was familiar with constant disappointment and hardship. You and I have also seen our hopes come to nothing. Careers, relationships, health and finances can all go sour. There can develop a cynicism or even despair. “Don’t start hoping it hurts too much”, we tell ourselves.

Look at our children and the young generation called “Millennials”. Their eyes are bright, their hopes and dreams burn in their hearts. Parents smile . . . perhaps a sad smile, as they imagine the disappointments that inevitably come. We want to protect them or warn them of the hurt that awaits. Why? Because it happened to us.

Think of what you’ve hoped for:

  • True and lasting spousal love – Good friends for life
  • Healthy, happy children – Success and recognition of one’s efforts
  • Rewarding work – Some financial security
  • Good health – Peace of heart about the life you chose

I’m sure these are on your list in some fashion. What else?

We’re old enough by now to have made our peace with many of life’s disappointments. In fact with age, there’s a certain sweet sadness for what might have been. (Watch the movie “Babette’s Feast” for that beautiful message).

But do we stop hoping? What is this hope that will not disappoint? What can I bet my life on? Christians believe It lies in the words and deeds of Jesus of Nazareth. He tells us he is the Good Shepherd, the Bread of Life, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Resurrection and the Life. “I am going to prepare a place for you . . . I will come back and take you with me.”

But how do we know for sure he is all these things? We don’t want to hope in vain. St. Paul goes on to say, “God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us . . . while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son.” Romans 5:10.

There is no love like this anywhere else in the world   only in God through Christ. It gets better. “I have told you these things that might have peace in me. In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

So what should we hope for? Again Jesus gives us the key . . . “If God so clothes the grass of the field, will he not much more provide for you. Seek first His Kingdom and these other things (life sustaining things) will be given you as well.” Luke 12:31

In other words, our hope lies in the promises of Christ. He promises to dwell in us here on earth and then in the fullness of the Kingdom forever. It will not disappoint.

But we must do our part. Do what Goodness tells you to do. And you will see His plan.


Fr. Tim
