Category Archives: Weekly Column

Easter Fun.

For six weeks of Lent the church wore purple. We sang songs of longing and repentance. We walked with Jesus through the days of his trial, crucifixion, and burial. Then . . . we celebrated His glorious Resurrection on Easter Sunday.

But one day is not enough to celebrate. The Easter season goes for seven weeks (!) leading up to the Feast of Pentecost and the coming of the Holy Spirit. During this time the Church encourages us to “have fun!” That’s right, we should be doing things that bring joy to ourselves and others.

Sometimes that may conflict with our feelings about “Church”. For many of us church is a place to kneel and tell God we’re sorry for our sins. We ask God to help us with problems and to watch over loved ones. This is good.

But Jesus tells us that he has come “that your joy may be full.” John 15:11. The joy he speaks of comes with living right lives and a part of that is to celebrate. A less spiritual way of looking at “celebration” (but a necessary element too) is to . . . . have fun!

Here are some Easter celebration ideas that may get you thinking for you and your family.

  • Have you seen the “Beyond Van Gogh” experience at the Dome Arena? I’ve been twice!! It is wonderful. Van Gogh’s life and painting is displayed in a breathtaking Experience Room. (Sorry to get this to you so late. It ends this Sunday!)
  • See a really good movie. Something that speaks to young and old; something that makes you laugh and cry. Seen it before? See it again.
  • Food. Glorious food! Have some. Make some. Share some. Throw an Easter dinner.
  • Concerts. Music is medicine for the soul.
  • Nature. Take a walk. Breath in the air. Life . . . you can smell it!
  • Travel somewhere. Create a memory for you and the children/grandchildren.
  • Lake Ontario. What a gift it is.
  • Take a ride through apple country when the blossoms are out.
  • Lilac Festival. Been a while? Go. Get out of Webster. Meet God’s people.
  • Buy something for yourself. Something pretty. Some- thing that smells good.
  • Anybody you care for who you haven’t talked with lately? Call them. Write them.
  • Visit a friend’s grave. Tell them you’re doing ok. Pray for them.
  • Come sit in church all by yourself. Talk to God. He’s been waiting for you.

You’ll think of your own Easter Fun. The important thing to remember is why you’re doing it. You’re celebrating the wonderful gift God has given us in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The gift of Eternal Life, the gift of a path to follow that brings Hope.

So when the concert begins, or the curtain goes up, or the oven signals “dinner ready”, or you’re in your car heading for adventure . . . . say a little prayer. “Lord, the joy that awaits, is part of my thanks to you for loving me in Jesus Christ.

Happy Easter. Let the fun begin.

Fr. Tim


Home For Easter

The renovation of the church has been going on now for six weeks. We have been in Trinity Hall for weekend masses the past five. It has been a time for everybody to pull together to keep Holy Trinity stable as we move forward.

250 chairs needed moving. The altar, the tabernacle and pulpit all had to migrate to the new location. Ushers and greeters needed to help parishioners find the new Hall and then squeeze them into chairs. Some have had to stand during mass. The choir had to find a new place to sing. We’ve been on a pilgrimage.

It’s been a little uncomfortable, hasn’t it? Sitting so close together after we’d just gotten use to “social distancing” made many uneasy. But all in all, we did quite well I think. Many thanks to all who helped make this journey possible. And to you who have been so patient . . . thank you.

But next week we’ll be home. Home for Easter! What a fitting Sunday to re-enter our newly freshened church and sanctuary.

How symbolic of Lent these weeks have been. Classic signs of penance (prayer, fasting, almsgiving) were there each week. We learned how to pray better with Fr. McKeon. We had to do without the old and familiar ways church feels. We stepped up to send help to the people of Ukraine. (It was the second largest Penny Sun- day in ten years). We (I) fretted about the new church colors.

So how have these weeks been for you? New? A challenge? Enlightening? If so, good for you. Perhaps it’s been nothing special.

Same old, same old. Okay. Maybe you had to tend to other things. Maybe this wasn’t your Lent to grow.

Either way, what matters now is . . . now. What is God offering you to do? He’s always got something on His mind for you. Along with your daily duties, your personal ruminations and thoughts about life, may I suggest a couple things as springtime is about to begin.

  • Come to the Holy Week liturgies beginning this Thursday. Each day takes us through the events by which Jesus Christ saves the world from meaninglessness.
  • Do something special with friends and family on Easter Sunday, because that day tells us we can hope for Eternal Life. Start with Mass of course!
  • This spring, see in the new life of nature, God’s promise to constantly renew the earth for us. Be resolved to love Mother Earth by how you treat her.
  • Do something life giving. Something you haven’t done in a while. Take a trip, see something beautiful, cook a special meal for the ones you love.
  • Be a friend . . . a really good friend, to someone who needs it.
  • Forgive the hurt you’ve been given.
  • Ask God to do something new in you.

So here we go. Holy Week. May God give you a special grace to know He is with you.

See you in Church!

Fr. Tim


Holy Indifference

Back in my high school days our senior class had a motto which we would sometimes chant at school assemblies. . . “Who cares?!” You can imagine the Dean of Discipline’s displeasure.

The motto came from being immature. Thinking we knew it all. All attempts to show us the road ahead were met with “Who Cares?” I’m embarrassed to remember this after all these years.

There is, however, a very helpful and holy variation on “who cares”. It’s called Holy Indifference and it is taught by spiritual masters like Saints Ignatius of Loyola and John of the Cross.

Basically, it’s a willingness to let go of situations over which you have no control. The Serenity Prayer says it best. “Lord give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change . . .” It is not a callous indifference to life. Rather, it is a spiritual surrender to what, in the end, is a trust that God’s will for me is more important than any passing want of mine.

This principle can guide us in simple everyday ways and in life’s challenges. Some examples:

  • The weather. Can you make a sunny day? Can you make it rain for your back yard? Of course not. We can hope for these things but then . . . I will accept whatever happens as the way life gives it.
  • The Buffalo Bills. Sure we wanted them to win that game (13 seconds left!) but they didn’t. After the initial disappointment, Holy Indifference tells us, “God still loves us. And it was a great season.”
  • A young person sits waiting for a phone call from that “special person”. “I’ll call you”, they said. But they didn’t. Holy Indifference says, “They are free to do as they wish. I cannot make them. I accept this as the way it is to be.”
  • Sometimes it involves more serious events. Some happy, some sad.
  • A college you so wanted to attend says “no” to your application.
  • A love relationship you tried so hard to foster has ended.
  • You get the promotion you were hoping for.
  • Your surgery went perfectly. No more cancer.

But how can we be “indifferent” or detached from the outcomes we so hope for? Are we saying “don’t care”, when in fact we care very much? No, that’s not what we’re saying. Jesus tells us, in fact, to pour out our hearts to the Lord. Tell God how things are and what you feel you need. In fact, keep asking over and over (Read Luke 18:18!)

But then . . . . let go. God knows better than you. Trust that WHATEVER happens, God foresaw it, and will bring good out of it in His own time. That friends, takes Faith. Faith in a God who loves us and wishes to bring us to be with Him in the Kingdom.

Not there yet? Still brooding over disappointments? Still feeling, “It’s not fair!” That’s very human. But Jesus calls us to a deeper awareness of what our life is to be about. “Your heavenly Father knows what you truly need . . Seek first the Kingdom of God and good things will be given to you besides.” Matthew 6:33

What then is Holy Indifference? It’s putting the love of God and neighbor before everything else. It means letting go of anything that keeps me locked up in “my wants”, when love beckons me to get over myself. This is true happiness.

God will help us.

Fr. Tim

The Church Painting.

We hope to celebrate Mass in the church by Easter Sunday! We will once again Livestream all Sunday masses. Should it happen that the church is ready a week earlier (Palm Sunday), we will let you know via email and the website. Keep this in your prayers. It’s going to be wonderful.


Your Memories. God is There.

Fr. McKeon’s talks last week struck a chord with me. He pointed to a very important place where we can discover God’s friendship in our lives. Our memories.

One of the benefits of growing older (imagine that!) is having a library of memories that continue to speak about the times the hand of God came to our aid. We all have them if we just look and remember.

Let’s think then of a time when life had grown complicated or frightening or unexpectedly blessed with happiness. Can you find something that happened to you (good or bad) that, as it turned out, can only be explained as some power of goodness. It somehow changed everything for the better, or at least kept you from a serious mistake? Something was added that you could never have thought up by yourself. I bet it happened at just the right time!

Some of mine are too personal to share but here’s a couple true ones that may help your own search.

The Acorn

Back in my mid-twenties I had been accepted for entrance to the seminary. But with classes soon to begin, I was having serious doubts about my decision. Doing some chores around the house (cleaning gutters up on the roof), I spotted an acorn in the gutter that seemed perfectly intact. (It had not fallen to the ground like the others which were now sprouting tiny oak sprigs on the grass below).

I popped the little “hat” off the top of the acorn. There it was, filling the entire body of the acorn   an orange worm! I can still remember that color.

The God part? An awareness came to me that said something like, “Tim, unless you let go and stop trying to protect yourself, something else will take over your life.”

“Unless the grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies . . . it remains just a grain of wheat.” John 12:24. I couldn’t have dreamed up such a thing. God used that worm to change my life. Off to seminary I went.

The Kindergarten Teacher

Years later I was an assistant in a parish far from here. It was Sunday. The pastor and I had been bumping heads about how certain things should be done. Life was dry and plodding. I yearned to be free as my work seemed to be unappreciated.

Stopping into a kindergarten class in between masses, I watched this tired mother of three struggling to teach her young students about the Faith. The children were restless and her lesson plan was going up in flames. “Someone else is having a bad Sunday”, I thought.

Then it happened. At the end of her wits, this woman said in the sweetest of voices, “Oh children, if you only knew how much God loves you.”

The God part? Her words went right through me. I can’t explain it any other way than to say I felt God’s love for me in her words. She was the one God used to touch my heart. I don’t think she had any idea what she had given me. (I haven’t remembered this incident of over 30 years ago till I sat this morning to write this column.) Use one of your memories to start a prayer time.

So sit. Think back. What happened in your teen years? Your career? Your marriage? The children? Find a time (or a period of time) when you were empty or scared . . . and something unexpectedly filled you with hope, or spared you serious harm or gave you the courage to go on. A time that could only have been given to you by a God who loves you.

These things are to be cherished for a lifetime. They still speak the goodness you received back then.

God loves you. And don’t you forget it!

Fr. Tim


How Can I Keep the Faith?

Faith is a gift. You didn’t earn it. You didn’t discover it on your own. It was given to you in what we call a “grace”, something beyond our physical nature . . . something from God. You were given the seed of Faith in Baptism.

This grace brings “a knowledge of things unseen.” By faith “we understand that the universe was created by God’s word . . . what is seen was made by what is unseen.” Hebrews 11:13. But this is just the beginning. Faith also tells us that God became a human being in Jesus Christ. Christ is the visible appearance of God with us. The man, Jesus, speaks what God wants us to know about his plan for humankind. Namely, that we be joined to God by our participation in the Body of Christ.

And how can we be sure of this “knowledge”? How do we know it’s true? (Scientific knowledge can be proven by our reason (2+2=4). But science does not exhaust all that is real. Some very real things can be known only by faith.) Can science prove your mother’s love?

Ahh . . . here is where we get to the essence of faith. We know it’s true because “we believe” the one who reveals it . . . God. Faith gives us the ability to surrender to a truth I cannot see.

Why should I surrender to something that can’t be proven scientifically?? Because I’ve been GIVEN that power in the gift of Faith. The old theological phrase said the things of faith are, “revealed by God, who can neither deceive nor be deceived because of who He is.”

Another word to describe what we’re talking about is Trust. Who do you trust? Someone you know to be truthful, right? Someone who exhibits goodness toward others. A friend, a parent, teacher, priest. Can we put God in that category? Faith says “Yes!” “Look.

But here’s the problem. We’re human beings. We forget things, we take things for granted. (Angels don’t!) We get distracted or taken up with the everyday stuff of life.

Yes, we can grow distant to the love of friend or family. And so we need to be reminded of the important things, the lifegiving things. Don’t you feel a need to sit for dinner with your family? What happens? We speak to each other, we share our thoughts and feelings. We experience communion.

Should it be any different with God who made us and loves us? A God, who Jesus says to call “Father”. This is the wisdom of the Commandments and the teaching of the Church, “Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day”.

We Catholics keep this commandment by going to Mass on Sundays. There we meet the Lord as He speaks to us in the gospel and gives us His Body and Blood in the Eucharist.

Dear friends, I can’t stress enough how important it is to come to mass. Of all the things we can do to keep our faith alive, it is this. Jesus Himself tells us, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you.” John 6:52 And at the Last Supper he commands us to “Do this in memory of me.”

How will coming to mass help me to “keep my faith”? Here’s how:

  • Something happens at mass. Often we can’t pinpoint it. It happens over time. We hear the story of Jesus, his actual words, we pray for the living and those who have died. We leave with something spiritual. Something we can’t get at Walmart or on line.
  • Mass is something like pure clean water to drink. It has no taste like Coke or Mountain Dew! But try to go a day without a drink of water   it satisfies like nothing else.
  • During the mass your spirit can rest. It is home to your soul. Nowhere else will you hear the message of who you are and God’s loving plan for you.

Please join us each Sunday to renew your spirit. Bring your children, get them in the habit.

Blessed Lent to you.

Fr. Tim


The Church. What’s That?

The Church

Like the word “love”, but to a lesser degree, we use the word “church” in so many ways that it’s hard to get to its deepest meaning.

We say things like: “I’m going to church”, “Was it a church wedding?”, “The church has spoken”, etc. Our most frequent thought about church is as a building or an organization (not unlike a company). It has a president (Pope) and field managers (bishops and pastors). It has rules and regulations for those who “belong”.

All this has some truth to it but, taken by itself, one is left with an entirely poor understanding of Church. So poor in fact that many, especially young people, choose to go elsewhere for an organization that gives them meaning and direction. “I’m spiritual but not religious”, they say. They accept a false understanding of church (though sometimes it seems justified by the actions of some church leaders).

What then is a correct understanding of “Church”? Here’s what the bible says:

  • Jesus started the Church. Peter declares Jesus the Son of God and in turn Jesus says, “Blessed are you Peter (for what you believe) and I declare you are “Rock”, and on this rock I will build my church . . . and the jaws of death will not overcome it”. Matthew 16:18
  • Jesus said, “Teach them all that I have commanded you and know I am with you always until the end of time.” Matthew 28:20
  • Jesus sends the Holy Spirit “who will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13
  • He sends his believers into the world, “He who hears you, hears me.” Matt 25:40
  • St. Paul says each of us are members of the Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:27
  • Christ is the head of this body . . . the Church.” Colossians 1:18
  • Jesus gives us His body (the Eucharist) which is “our participation in the Body of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:16
  • The Church is also the Bride of Christ, united to Jesus, her spouse, as the body is united to the head. Ephesians 5:23.

Theologians and saints have reflected on these scriptures and have since given us a “fuller understanding of “Church”.

  • The Church is both Divine (in Christ, it shares in the life of God) and human (you and me, the people of faith). The Church is therefore holy . . . and at the same time imperfect and at times sinful (you and me!)
  • The Church literally brings us the living, Resurrected Christ   in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, when proclaiming of the gospel,and in the charity pouring forth from its members.
  • The Church is a sacrament (a visible sign, given by Christ, that brings God’s sanctifying grace to humankind.)
  • Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church teaches without error what God has revealed for our salvation.
  • At the end of time the Church, having done its job on earth (being the visible Body of Christ in time and history), will be united to the Risen Lord in such a way that all will BE CHRIST. Then Christ will be subjected to the Father so that “God will be all in all.” 1 Corinthians 15:28 Wow!

So, the next time you “go to church”, try to remember it’s the Living Body of Christ that you are visiting. And some- day, united in the mystical body of Christ, we will look upon the face of God. No pews in heaven.

Bless you.
Fr. Tim




Fr. Gerry McKeon S.J.

During the past two years of Covid protocols, social distancing, schools and workplaces closed, people have found an uncomfortable amount of time spent alone. A mild anxiety can be felt when you don’t know how to live in the silence and quiet. Many report battles with depression or acting out with social media, food, drink or other substances.

Some have turned to prayer. But where to start? We’re out of practice. It seems strange to sit in a chair and call out to God who we cannot see. Yet we know deep down this is where we can find God in our life.

So, why not join us this Lent to discover once again (or perhaps for the first time!) the power and beauty of prayer? Fr. Gerry McKeon S.J. will be with us for four days (March 18-21) to help us each find our own way of praying. See the schedule below and the topics to be discussed.

No registration needed and a meatless meal on Friday is our parish gift to you.
Come as you are – all are welcome!

Friday, March 18 (6:00 pm)

(dinner and fellowship begins at 6:00pm; presentation begins at 7:00pm)

  • How does our image of God change over time? Who is God for you today?
  • A brief introduction to Ignatian Spirituality.
  • An exploration of challenges to our faith and spiritual growth.
  • How to improve our conscience contact with God through daily prayer such as the Examen.

Sunday, March 20 (7:00pm)

  • What is Prayer? How can it help our friendship with God to grow? x Explore ways to practice Affective Prayer.
  • The importance of bringing our feelings to God in prayer.
  • How to discover freedom from fear through friendship with God.

Monday, March 21 (7:00pm)

  • What Happens When You Pray?
  • Explore ‘The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola’
  • How the Spirits work with us as we move closer to, or away from, God.


It’s Different. Give it Time.

Holy Trinity 1966
Holy Trinity in 1966

I thought it might be helpful this week to talk about the new paint scheme that has just begun in the church. I’d like you to know the process we’re using in getting the new coloring just right.

First off, what you see in the back of church is an experiment. There is, of course, a general idea as to the color palette to be used (a sky blue for the ceiling, a sage green of sorts for the walls, and various accent colors on the church horizontals).

What follows in the next week will be adjustments to the shades (light and dark) of the palette. This will happen in conversation with the designer and selected parishioners who are skilled themselves in color and décor. (Your comments to me and any staff person are welcome and will be considered in forming the final coloring. But I’m sure you understand that we’ll have to go with our best thought.)

But there’s another matter that the painting of the church surfaces. How do we deal with change? Many of you have come to Holy Trinity for years. You’ve come to know and love this worship space. I have too.

But do you know how it looked before the current painting? It was totally different. Stencils and statues were every- where in the church. As was the fashion back then, “more is better”. Every space was filled with something.

Then came the late 60’s and 70’s. It was then thought that blank canvas walls (white) were the best way to emphasize the windows and the dome. Plain and simple was the philosophy. And so it has been for over 40 years.

Each person has their own taste, their favorite colors, etc. I remember coming to Holy Trinity ten years ago and in my first look at the church (I’ve never told you this before), I thought, “why is it all white?”

But in these years I’ve come to appreciate you and the liturgy that happens here. I’ve gotten used to this space. More than used to . . . I love this space. We get used to things. What seems “different” soon becomes “home”.

So friends, I’m asking you to trust the very good people who are driving this project, the designers, the painters, the parish committee. Yes, it will be different; and not just for difference sake    it will be better. It will serve the generations yet to come.

It will be a beautiful space for weddings, funerals, First Communions, Christmas and Easter and, of course, Sunday Mass.

I promise to be in regular contact with you about the plan as it goes forward. In turn I trust YOU to be constructive and helpful as we beautify this sacred space.

Bless you. Fr. Tim

PS. It’s going to be beautiful.


“Synod”. Journeying Together.

There are 1.9 billion Catholics in the world today. We are the largest religious community in the world. The Church spans the five continents and its peoples possess over one hundred languages. The number of races, cultures and geographies is mind boggling . Yet we are all “One Body, one Spirit in Christ”.

So how does this huge Church keep it all together? How is the Church leadership guided to find the will of Christ for her in the new millennium? These are changing times with many challenges: a world wide pandemic, the scandal of clergy abuse, mass attendance down in Europe and America, a growing shortage of priests, and an overall anxiety about any government’s ability to create a livable society.

Certainly she has the constant aid of the Holy Spirit. The Pope and bishops are graced in a special way to help steer the ship. But how do they hear the Holy Spirit? Do they possess some crystal ball that let’s them see what the Church should be doing in these difficult times?

No one body within the Catholic Church has all the answers. That is why Pope Francis and the bishops would like your help. They want to know what YOU think. You see, within the Church there are different voices. The bishop and priest preach and teach. Theologians delve deep into the mysteries of the Faith. Missionaries bring Christ to foreign lands. Monks and religious orders live lives of prayer. All have a work, a voice, that adds to the mission of the worldwide Catholic Church.

And you friend, what do you have that moves the Church to become like Christ? You have the gift of Faith that makes you a partner in the work of Christ in the world. The Laity, all together, have what theologians call the “Sensus Fidei” (the sense of Faith).

That means you have an intuition, a “right thinking”, about our Catholic Faith. Like a homing device, the faithful have a “Christ thinking” that can guide the Church in each age.

Bishop Matano will receive feedback from all the parishes in the diocese and send them on to Washington and from there, with all the other dioceses in the US, to Rome. This enormous amount of feedback will be distilled into the major findings and presented to a worldwide gathering of bishops in Rome, 2023.

It will provide the feedback of the “Catholic People” to the Pope and bishops (the Magisterium) for their consideration, and guidance. Also, for our new bishop, soon to be appointed, it will be of great help in getting to know the mind of the Faithful in the Diocese of Rochester.

Wonderful things happen when we come together to speak honestly and to really listen. I hope you will consider being a part of the conversation. Stay tuned.

Bless you.
Fr. Tim


Effortless Beauty

There’s a crab apple tree outside my office window. I’d say it’s some 15 to 20 years old. Each spring it explodes into a wonderful cloud of pink blossoms that last for about 10 days.

It stands naked right now except for several thousand little crab apples arranged throughout its skinny tree limbs. They’ll all be eaten by hungry robins come spring. And here friends, hangs our lesson for the week.

Against the dull gray sky, the tree is all in black silhouette. Each little crab apple hangs at random, like a drop- let along each branch. The whole tree fits exactly in my window as if it were a picture frame.

It’s perfect. And that’s the point. The tree just happened. There wasn’t a care in the world when each apple began to grow on the tree, yet it has a balance and proportion any artist would covet. You could entitle the art of my window view . . . “Crab Apple Against a Winter Sky”.

I’m sure you’ve seen this “effortless beauty” of nature for yourself. Walk through a pine forest. Look down at the random pine needles on the ground. They’re perfectly, beautifully arranged where they’ve fallen. See the perfect curve of the snow drift at the corner of your house (how did the wind get to be such an artist?). I won’t even start with the random beauty of clouds or sun light.

The point is . . . it’s exquisite. And it’s free for any eye that wishes to really look. Listen to the leaves in the wind, waves on the beach, thunder in the storm . . . they’re perfect in a wondrous way. And it all happens with a carelessness that would make any artist jealous for the brilliance it displays.

And guess what? It’s FOR YOU. God made it for you, not for any other creature. Do you think the deer in the forest gives a fig for the brilliant Fall leaves that surround it?

Does the eagle pause in midflight to marvel at the beauty in the valley below? Do the flames dancing in your fire place giving calm and comfort mean anything to your cat?

How little mind we give this gift. Sometimes I imagine the Lord saying, “Look, nobody gets it. I make all this cool stuff and all my creatures just take it for granted. Fish swim in it. Birds fly in it. Buffalo graze on it, but not one “Wow!” Not one, ‘Thanks Lord”. You man, you woman. Can’t I get a little appreciation here?”

When you think about it, we humans are the spokespersons for the rest of creation. We have a voice to speak on behalf of the running stream, the soaring eagle . . . “Thank you Lord.”

Pope Francis has written an encyclical called Laudato Si (“Praise be to You”). In it he points to an appreciation of this created world as a gift of God. He reminds us that the earth is humanity’s common home; it needs our care and protection in the way we use its natural resources. The generations to come have an equal right to drink clean water and breathe clean air.

But back to us humans for a moment. Of all the beauty of God’s creation, (the birds, the flowers, and yes, those little puppies) can you think of anything quite as captivating, and endlessly expressive as the human face? Why is that? Because it is the window to the human spirit . . . which, in case you’d forgotten, is a face that God had. To look on the human face is to see some faint image of God himself.

All this to say, “Oh Lord, how great thou art.” Open your eyes. His glory is everywhere.

Fr. Tim
