The Church. What’s That?

The Church

Like the word “love”, but to a lesser degree, we use the word “church” in so many ways that it’s hard to get to its deepest meaning.

We say things like: “I’m going to church”, “Was it a church wedding?”, “The church has spoken”, etc. Our most frequent thought about church is as a building or an organization (not unlike a company). It has a president (Pope) and field managers (bishops and pastors). It has rules and regulations for those who “belong”.

All this has some truth to it but, taken by itself, one is left with an entirely poor understanding of Church. So poor in fact that many, especially young people, choose to go elsewhere for an organization that gives them meaning and direction. “I’m spiritual but not religious”, they say. They accept a false understanding of church (though sometimes it seems justified by the actions of some church leaders).

What then is a correct understanding of “Church”? Here’s what the bible says:

  • Jesus started the Church. Peter declares Jesus the Son of God and in turn Jesus says, “Blessed are you Peter (for what you believe) and I declare you are “Rock”, and on this rock I will build my church . . . and the jaws of death will not overcome it”. Matthew 16:18
  • Jesus said, “Teach them all that I have commanded you and know I am with you always until the end of time.” Matthew 28:20
  • Jesus sends the Holy Spirit “who will guide you into all truth.” John 16:13
  • He sends his believers into the world, “He who hears you, hears me.” Matt 25:40
  • St. Paul says each of us are members of the Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:27
  • Christ is the head of this body . . . the Church.” Colossians 1:18
  • Jesus gives us His body (the Eucharist) which is “our participation in the Body of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 10:16
  • The Church is also the Bride of Christ, united to Jesus, her spouse, as the body is united to the head. Ephesians 5:23.

Theologians and saints have reflected on these scriptures and have since given us a “fuller understanding of “Church”.

  • The Church is both Divine (in Christ, it shares in the life of God) and human (you and me, the people of faith). The Church is therefore holy . . . and at the same time imperfect and at times sinful (you and me!)
  • The Church literally brings us the living, Resurrected Christ   in the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, when proclaiming of the gospel,and in the charity pouring forth from its members.
  • The Church is a sacrament (a visible sign, given by Christ, that brings God’s sanctifying grace to humankind.)
  • Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Church teaches without error what God has revealed for our salvation.
  • At the end of time the Church, having done its job on earth (being the visible Body of Christ in time and history), will be united to the Risen Lord in such a way that all will BE CHRIST. Then Christ will be subjected to the Father so that “God will be all in all.” 1 Corinthians 15:28 Wow!

So, the next time you “go to church”, try to remember it’s the Living Body of Christ that you are visiting. And some- day, united in the mystical body of Christ, we will look upon the face of God. No pews in heaven.

Bless you.
Fr. Tim
