Freedom. A Holy Burden.

Theology is described as “Faith seeking understanding.” That means Faith comes first – – in the form of trust in what has been revealed. But then equally important, is the search for “a reason” for this trust. My reason won’t allow me to believe in something absurd.

So theology, trusting the Church which states that Faith and reason cannot contradict one another, has found good reasons for our belief. There we find in writing some of the “fundamental principles” that help explain the Christian Faith.

Let’s look at one of these defining principles . . . . Freedom. What is it exactly?

For a twelve-year-old, freedom means “staying up late because there’s no school tomorrow!” Or . . . summer vacation starts this Friday! Or . . . no homework. For a child, freedom means “not having to do something”. In fact, we all have this initial experience of being “set free”.

On closer look, however, things go much deeper. Human freedom is what sets us apart from everything else in creation. Think of it. Every creature you see, whether (as we used to say) animal, vegetable, or mineral, is harnessed to a natural order which totally determines what it becomes.

The flowers in spring, the geese flying south in a wing, that stone at the end of your driveway, are all part of a natural order. This “order of nature” requires flower, goose, and stone to be in a particular, predetermined way in order for them to be what they are. (Beware! The goose that stops by your kitchen to have coffee with you is really not a goose!).

The human being, however, is a different kind of creature. We are set in “openness” to becoming.

That means we are free to construct our own story as a “person”. Our freedom is not “freedom from” but “freedom for”. Our daily choices and habits add up over time. We become “truth tellers” or “generous” or “patient” or “forgiving”.

Or, equally possible, we can become “liars”, “greedy”, “unforgiving”, etc. It’s up to us. We’re free. This is the wonderful dignity of the human being as created by God. God has made us co-creators of ourselves. Our actions put into history who we are. We “become”. And because it was done in freedom . . . we become “responsible for it”.

Why would God do this? Why would He wait for our response without forcing us to do His will? Because that’s how love works. It can only exist in Freedom.

Some people don’t like this. It’s too heavy. “I just wanna be. Go with the flow. Chill out. I can spend my life anyway I want. I’m free.”

Our human nature, as created by God, has a purpose. It is to share in His nature! God created us to have His love as our meaning. Like a fine crystal goblet, we can hold the sacred wine of God’s life. But here’s the kicker. We are free. We can accept this gift . . . or not.

God revealed it in Sacred Scripture. What does the bible tell us about ourselves?

  • 1. We are made in God’s image and likeness (Genesis).
  • 2. We are God’s children. “What we shall become . . . when Christ appears (the Day of the Resurrection) . . . we shall become like him, because we shall see him as he really is.” 1 John3: 1-3
  • 3. Ireneaus said it centuries ago, “the glory of man is to see God.”

So what are we to do with our freedom? Simple. Love God with all our heart. And love our neighbor as Christ has loved us.

Let’s get to work!

Fr. Tim
