God, All Powerful?…

Most of the time.

There was a catechism lesson we had when we were children. It was about the “Attributes of God”? God is all-knowing, all-loving, all-wise, and all-powerful. God can do all things. He can make a galaxy or an atom, an ocean or a raindrop, an elephant or a humming bird. Nothing exists outside God’s power to command.

But on second thought, there really is something God can’t do (or won’t do) . . . He won’t make us obey His commands. God can appeal to us with right reasons. He makes certain things speak clearly that they are true and good; all for the purpose of winning us over to His Divine Will.

But God will not violate our own free will. He gave it to us to use in cooperation with His Will. God wants us to experience this participation as a joy and thereby discover our unique dignity and happiness. Our freewill is what makes us human beings. To take that away would destroy our humanity. We can choose to go against God’s will but . . . God will not go against ours.

We see this in the gospel (Mk. 6:6) where Jesus is teaching in his home town of Nazareth. The neigh- bors come out to see their “home town hero”. Suddenly the crowd became aware that Jesus was just one of them    no better, no worse. “Hey, we know you Jesus. You grew up here. You played in our streets. Don’t go thinking you’re anything special. You’re not. You’re just like us.”

“So (Jesus) was not able to perform any mighty deed there . . . he was amazed at their lack of faith.” Our unwillingness to believe in Christ makes it impossible for him to do his will for us. “I want to help you but I can’t . . . because you won’t let me.”

We tie God’s hands when we refuse to submit ourselves to what we know to be His will. Yet God is always polite. He won’t enter where He is not welcomed or is ignored. Christ knocks on the door but only we can open it.

So why doesn’t God shout to us or make a special show of His power? That’s not how He works. We have a humble God whose humble way is revealed in Jesus Christ. “Though Jesus was in the form of God, He did not deem equality with God something to be grasped at. Rather, he emptied himself coming in hu- man likeness and found human in appearance.” Philippians 2:6,7

The big mistake we make is to think of God’s will as something that keeps us from enjoying ourselves . . . something ruling over us that robs us of our freedom.

No! God wants our happiness. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of John, “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love. I tell you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” John 15:11

God’s will is our happiness.

Fr. Tim
