How Do You Start a Train?

Picture a locomotive sitting in a train yard. The engine car has sat idle for over two months. The long line of cars attached are waiting to be set in motion. How do we get things rolling again?

Holy Trinity, up and running, has 1200 people attending weekend masses, 10 weddings, 40 First Communions, 50 teens waiting for Confirmation, 50 funerals each year, 12 parish committees, and about 10 parish ministries having over 300 volunteers.

All has been on hold since Palm Sunday in April. How do we start up yet continue to be safe during the ongoing Covid 19?

Starting this Sunday, June 14, Holy Trinity will be open to the public for Sunday worship. It is right that we begin the start up of our parish by gathering for the most important thing we do . . . worship of God in the Eucharist.

Current public attendance is limited to 25% capacity of each particular gathering space. That means HT can handle 300 people at any one mass. (This is divided up into three spaces – – – Church Proper, Gathering Space, and the new Trinity Hall).

You will find on our website and Facebook the particular procedures we will be using to facilitate the safe gathering of all who come to mass. PLEASE READ THESE OVER CAREFULLY so you will be ready to help make a peaceful gathering for all.

In the meantime let me make a couple comments that will make our gathering a sign of our love for each other.

  • We need to begin with the attitude that things will be different for the time being. Where you sit at mass, the wearing of a mask, the way we go to communion, will all be a part of a new experience at mass.
  • Please be patient with the things that may irritate you. (Signing up for mass, people instructing you where to sit, no singing, social distancing etc.).
  • Remember we are all here to be with Jesus Christ and one another. The fullness of the Eucharistic presence is with us; no mask or distancing changes that.
  • This is only for awhile. We pray that our normal way of gathering will happen soon.
  • Smile!! You’re so pretty when you do.

God loves you.

Fr. Tim
