Lent 2020. One of a Kind.

I look back at my calendar; two weeks ago I watched a little of the CYO basketball tournament in Murphy Hall, I spoke with 40 Confirmation Candidates, I went to dinner with some good friends, and was looking forward to March Madness on TV.

It seems like a year ago now. How about you?

So what to say? It would be silly to think that any one attempt could explain what this moment presents to us. We’re still a bit wobbly on our feet, trying to comprehend all that has happened (and what is yet to come). It’s way too early to say “What The Coronavirus Means To Me”. I mean this thing is still just rolling out.

That said, isn’t there something we can hold onto that can help us keep our feet? Something to steady the ship? How about “Best Practices During a Pandemic”?!

Try these:

  • Keep the hygiene and social gathering rules. They’re meant to protect everyone. My sisters are safer if you keep the rules. Thank you.
  • Make a little game out of being homebound. I don’t know . . . pretend you’re in a spaceship, or you’re on a long flight to a country you’ve never visited. What do we do? Sleep, think, wonder, smile.
  • Time management changes. Two weeks ago we didn’t have enough time to tie our shoes. Now it feels like we’re drowning in time.
  • Your daily schedule is necessarily changed. Embrace it. You have a new job now – – find a way to use your time well. Maybe make a list; what I want to do by noon. What needs to happen before dinner? Etc.
  • Avoid easy escape habits. You know, IPhone, TV, Netflix, internet, Snapchat. These are all legitimate uses of our time, but over the last few years they have come to rule much of our lives.
  • See in this crisis time an opportunity to create new habits. Do outrageous things like . . . read a book! Talk to your spouse (No, REALLY TALK to your spouse. And REALLY LISTEN to them. (Children too of course.)
  • Feed your soul. Let’s face it we let a lot of junk into our brains. Instead of “binging” on what? “Housewives of New York”? OR, “Greatest Golf Rounds Ever Played”? Why not LEARN something?
  • These days contain God’s will. What is God inviting you to do? Is there something pulling at your heart? A relationship that needs mending? A promise you made that you haven’t kept so well? Someone who’s not doing so well in these days? . . So what are you waiting for?
  • Maybe with all this new time on your hands you can give some to the Lord. How about taking Jesus seriously when he says “When you pray, go to your room and close the door. Your Father will see you in secret.”

Really. Go to your room and close the door! Tell God, “I’m here Lord”. Give him a couple things you’re feeling about life. Something like: “It’s been too long Lord. But, here I am. I want to be what you want me to be.” “Lord help me.” The Holy Spirit will, over time, show you the conversation God invites you into.

Okay. So let’s not get ahead of ourselves. There’s a lot more we’ll be learning in the weeks ahead. Please know that the Lord has promised to be with us through it all.

Spring began last Thursday. Yay!!
Fr. Tim
