Time to say Thank You.

This “Thank You” was written a couple years ago; but in this week where we celebrate our national holiday of Thanksgiving I think it bears repeating. (All the ministries you see here are in full operation to this day. God bless you all!)

You need to know how this parish runs and the people needed to make it happen. What follows is a shout out to all who make it Holy Trinity a special parish. (No names. You know who you are.)

Thank you for:

  • Whoever puts the morning paper outside the rectory door!
  • For sacristans setting up the wine and water, chalice and candles for mass. Lectors, Cantors, Altar Servers.
  • For our Choirs and Choir Directors who help us pray at mass.
  • For our Ushers who help us find seats (and take our money every week!)
  • For the Greeters who smile and welcome us to mass.
  • For all who sit on the committees that do such critical advising and stepping up. Parish Council, Finance, Facilities, Liturgy, and Cemetery Committees, Senior Advisory Board, Legion of Mary, and the Maplewood Ministries, Men’s Spirituality Group, the Shawl and Knitting Ministries.
  • For the meals that parishioners drop off each week to keep Fr.’s John and Tim alive.
  • For our Catechists teaching the children, our Pre-Cana Team for soon to be marrieds, The RCIA and RCIC journeys of faith.
  • For the Parish Staff that does such a fine job ensuring the day to day care of the parish: The religious education of children, parent baptismal preparation, the office management, ministry co-ordination, the Parish Office that processes hundreds of calls each week, our maintenance co-ordinator and assistant who keep our campus beautiful, for our regional and diocesan finance connection.
  • For Webster Hope that feeds and comforts hundreds and hundreds.
  • Had enough? Wait, there’s more.
  • Sanctuary Care (linens and flowers), Office Volunteers, Videographers, Money Counters, Bereavement Ministry, Martha Committee, Corpus Christi Ministry, Cursillo, CYO Coaches, Parish Picnic.
  • Vacation Bible School, Children’s Liturgy of the Word,

Whew!!! Thank you all. You make this place hum. (I’ve tried to include everyone but I bet I missed someone. Sorry.) And you know the best part of all of this? It’s a joy. “My yoke is easy. My burden is light.”

Happy Thanksgiving.

Fr. Tim
