Words Build Up….Or Tear Down

Aren’t there times when you just can’t take it anymore?

The name calling, the half-truths, the bullying and humiliating? Makes you want to scream . . . or curse. It doesn’t matter your political or religious views; whatever opinion we hold, it seems we’re headed for an unpleasant confrontation.

Even in the Church we can experience a bitter exchange of ideas and opinion. Take the abortion debate. Someone who might advocate legislation that would limit but not eliminate abortion is “anti-life”. On the other side, those who work for Pro-life legislation are labeled “self righteous”, “anti-feminist”, “women oppressors”.

How unfair these words are. There is no middle ground. One is either a patriot or a traitor. We’ll never come closer to solving these issues as long as we treat each other this way.

Look, we know our faith teaches (and we firmly believe) that human life is sacred from the moment of conception. Abortion is wrong. There is no debating that. How- ever . . . many people (and people of good will) do not have that element of Faith that guides our life. They have come to view abortion as permissible, claiming abortion effects only one human person . . . the mother. The child in the womb has yet to reach personhood so the argument goes.

HOW can we best move people to consider what human life is and how it begins? How can we create a culture that once again sees life in the womb as having a Right to Life?

Two ways, it seems to me – – spiritually and politically. (There are wise heads to guide us politically. The US Bishops Conference is taking a strong stand here in Washing- ton.) The spiritual part is why I’m writing. Words can build up or tear down. We need to be careful.

Have you seen the bumper sticker . . . “My child is an honor student at . .. “? And the rejoinder to it on another bumper? “My child kicked the crap out of your honor student.” I mean what’s bothering this person? Why would you want to be in someone’s face about their child’s grades?

Are you seeing the problem? There are REAL differences of opinion in the public square. Okay . . . so how do we discuss them in a way that can lower the temperature and bring us to a clearer view of the real issues?

Scripture says this rancor and bitterness must not be the way we should deal with others, even those who
one would consider one’s “enemy” get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, outcry and slander,

along with every form of malice. Be kind to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God has forgiven you…. “ Ephesians 4:31

This is not describing some lukewarm way of entering the public debate that fears making waves. No, our participation is to be enthusiastic, joyful and full of conviction. But it is to be matched with an equal desire for fairness and kindness in the debate.

Hope your week holds God’s blessing for you.

Fr. Tim
