YOU AND GOD: 20 Questions

. . . During this time of “staying home” we find ourselves with lots of time on our hands. Time to think, to wonder, to remember.

Here are 20 questions that might add to your thoughtful moments. Some are quite personal and not to be shared; others might bring a nice conversation with a loved one. Go slow. Don’t do them all at once.

Can you remember a time as a child (@6-12yrs.) that God seemed close to you? Where were you? How did it feel?

  1. Children often have childlike experiences of God. What was yours?
  2. Now that I am older, I experience God . . . . how?
  3. What makes you shy about telling a story with you and God in it?
  4. Things that make it hard to believe in God are . . .
  5. Do you pray? How do you pray? When do you pray?
  6. Finish this sentence. “The time I knew God was with me was when . . . “
  7. How do you know when your love for someone is really real not just a momentary feeling?
  8. Do your children or friends know you believe in God? How would they know?
  9. Do you worry sometimes that God can’t (or won’t) make this world “right”?
  10. Have you ever done something that cost you time and frustration (and gave you nothing in return) solely because it was the right thing to do? What was it? How did that feel?
  11. Has anything hurtful or frustrating happened to you that later on, contained a hidden “goodness”, that showed you God was there?
  12. What would you say is “a grace”? Give an example.
  13. What do you think children most need to know to face the world and its challenges?
  14. Tears are most times a sign of love. What would move you to tears?
  15. What does the current bickering in Washington, almost monthly acts of senseless violence, natural disasters around the world do to your faith?
  16. Jesus tells us, to be his disciples we will experience the cross. What cross (suffering) do you carry in union with Him?
  17. “Life is more __________ than I thought it would be.” (What word(s) would you use to reflect your thought?)
  18. Looking back, do you wish you could change any thing?
  19. Looking forward, do you wish to change anything?
  20. What has happened in your life that you would NEVER change?

. . . Just some questions to think about and maybe share with someone? (bet you bump into some God Stuff you didn’t realize was there).

God’s going to get you. But you’ve got to let Him.

Fr. Tim
