The First Time

Thought I’d go back for this one. Back to when we were children and life was always serving up moments that we’d never experienced before. We’ve become quite used to them by now; they hold no special power to ponder and wonder about. Not so when they happened for the first time.

Remember when:

  • You made your first successful ride on a bike? Wonderful!
  • You got sick to your stomach. Where was it? At school? In the car? In the bathroom? “What the heck is happening to me?!”
  • Mom told you it was only a “nightmare”? (What’s a nightmare mom?)
  • You fell and got the wind knocked out of you? Can’t breathe!
  • You bumped your nose and the pain and watery eyes blinded you?
  • You ripped your pants in the back and the whole 3rd grade class roared with laughter?
  • Your first roller coaster ride? (Most people loved it. It terrified me.)
  • You caught the fly ball, sank the basket, got a hit, scored a touchdown? There are many “first times”. Some are very personal and for your memory only. But we all have times that have thrilled us and those that have pained us greatly. (Looking at my list above it seems I mostly remember the pain!)

What did we learn or how did these things shape us in life? May I suggest a couple “life lessons” that these memories can bring?

  • Life is a mystery. The wonder or shock that certain times can bring remind us that we’re not in charge. Life is bigger than us and we must learn to “keep our feet” and “deal with it”.
  • Happy or sad, in the end, most things turn out okay. (I mean look at you . . . you’re here and still standing!)
  • These moments give us tools for dealing with life. Happy events let us know that life is good. Really good. We can hope. Sad or hurtful times can soften our hearts and give us a compassion for others who suffer. “I know how it is brother. I’m here if you need me.”
  • These moments can turn us toward God. Unfortunately, it’s mostly the hard times that bring us to our knees. The happy times . . . well, they’re . . . fun! Remember the 10 lepers Jesus healed? Nine went skipping off home – – – only one returned to give thanks.
  • No really, suffering life’s moments can bring amazing things. It can increase love Jesus told us this, “So now you are in anguish, but I will see you again and your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy away from you.” John 16:22 Think for a moment. Haven’t the most joyful moments been proceeded by suffering? Mom? After the birth labor? Dad? When you came home to us from Afghanistan?

So here we are with a First Time for all of us . . . Pandemic 2020. What will it bring to the world? How will it change us? “Do not waste this time.” Pope Francis urges us. He points to this moment as a time to renew our turning to God, our resolve to be better people, to realize we are all connected as brothers and sisters.

It’s time to grow. It can be a new day for all of us. But first we need to wear these silly masks.

Don’t be afraid.

Fr. Tim
